The world is changing, always has been, but for the first time in its history it is changing too fast because of us. The balance is broken, the relationship between us and our home. In my opinion, however, we must continue to prepare the future for the new generations. We have lost the relationship, but we can become children again and recover it for future generations. This is now our task.
STORIE DI CLIMA | How we are changing
aims to take a 'snapshot' of the situation in Italy, which offers an impressive variety of climates and geographical situations, covering practically all situations worldwide.
VideoPodcast, Blog, Manual, Photo Stories, Photovoice, and voices of those who live with this change on a daily basis.
Beyond any position, beyond any role we have in society, let us not forget that in truth we are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles.
But above all, all of us, without exception, have been children!
Hear from the ground the stories of the people that live and work and see everyday the impact of climate change. And see their proposal to adapt our society to the change. Revolution comes from the ground.
Editorial stories of the impact of the climate change in our environment and activities
A project using the Photovoice technique, to collect impressions and analisys from the ground, and to propose new ideas for the future. From adaptation to mitigation, to energy poverty. Any idea could be a good idea. Raise our voices!
Nuts for re-connecting with Nature, with books, movies, activities and to learn and discover our environment.
Trailer SDC
Listen to the Children - Severn Cullis-Suzuki's famous speech on the environment (1992)
BEFORE THE FLOOD - Punto di non ritorno - documentario
Residents and professionals immersed in our daily surroundings are keenly attuned to the profound effects of climate change on our planet, affecting everything from agriculture and primary sector endeavors to the very fabric of our landscape. For decades, they've been on the frontline, dynamically adjusting their practices to navigate this evolving reality. Today, they take the lead in documenting the adversities they witness, the transformative adjustments they've made, and their visionary proposals for sustained improvements. Experience their stories captured through the lens of Photovoice, a scientific technique that unveils the compelling narratives of those directly impacted. Explore their testimonials and join us on a journey of insight and action.
We need to take care of our environment. But for doing this first with have to re-create a connection with the environment and to learn again how nature works. Here is a "manual" for re-connecting and educate yourself to take care of Nature, and to develop also your skills in gardening and cultivation depending on how the climate is changing.